Cookies Policy
We provide this Cookies Policy is provided on the basis of: ePrivacy Directive 2002, Decreto Legislativo Italiano 231/2001, GDPR Implementation Laws, Revised Payment Services Directive 2015, Network and Information Security Directive 2016, General Data Protection Regulation 2016.
Cookies and Similar Technologies
This section describes how Bramafam Di Dastrù Annalisa (here also "Bramafam"), our partners, and our other third parties use Cookies and Similar Technologies.
Cookies List
Cookies are small text files that are sent to the user's terminal equipment (usually to the user's browser) by visited websites; they are stored in the user's terminal equipment to be then re-transmitted to the websites on the user's subsequent visits to those websites. When navigating a website, a user may happen to receive cookies from other websites or web servers, which are the so-called "third party" cookies. This happens because the visited website may contain items that are located on servers other than the one where the page being visited is stored.
Duration of cookies
Some cookies (session cookies) operate to the end of that particular web browsing session and they are automatically deleted when you close your Internet browser. Other cookies do not expire when you close your browser and they are available between browsing sessions. These cookies are called "persistent" Cookies and their and their length of time is fixed by server at the moment of their creation. In some cases, they have a expiry date, in other cases the duration is unlimited.
How to disable cookies
You can decide whether or not to accept Cookies. One way you can do this is through your Internet browser's settings. Most Internet browsers allow some control (view, enable, disable and remove) of most Cookies through the browser settings.
For example, in Firefox, through the menu Tools > Options > Privacy, you can access to control panel where you can define whether to accept different types of cookies and proceed to their removal.
The following web sites provide information on how to adjust the Cookies settings on some popular browsers:
The above mentioned links may undergo changes not due to Bramafam. Information is nevertheless available using a search browser.
If your browser is not listed, please refer to cookies information available on the browser itself. If you are using a mobile phone, please refer to its instruction manual.
After disabling cookies via your browser, remind to erase the ones already existing before deletion.
Adobe Flash Player is a software for multimedia content display. Websites using Adobe Flash Player may install in user’s devices files useful to register settings, preferences and use templates, as other existing cookies. These files are generally told cookie Flash or Local Shared Object (LSO) Flash. Useful tips on how to handle with LSO Flash here.
For more information about cookies you can connect to the site (limited to the services identified by that platform), to get information on how to delete or manage cookies based on the browser used and to set preferences for using those of third parts.
Your Online Choices is a website managed by the non-profit European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance (EDAA), the Italian version of which is available at, which provides information on behavioral advertising based on profiling cookies ( and allows Internet users to easily oppose (opt-out) the installation of the main profiling cookies installed by advertisers and used on websites ( We recommend that You read the general terms and conditions of service of Your Online Choices (, frequently asked questions (FAQ) ( and user guide (